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Above all, the Freio de Ouro sports modality gives total prominence to Criollo horses. Therefore, these animals are rigorously evaluated. Both their skills and their physical and work characteristics are judged. Furthermore, the tests were developed according to the main activities that horses perform in the field.

Check out the website of 7MBoots to see how the Freio de Ouro modality is constituted.

Learn more about the Criollo Horse.

Originally Brazilian, this breed results from the combinations of blood from Berbere and Andalusian animals. The first animals were part of the creation of the Spanish Álvar Núñez Cabeza. However, while moving his herd, Cabeza ended up losing some along the way. After four centuries surviving in the wild, they underwent a natural selection process that gave rise to the breed known as the Criollo Horse.

Freio de Ouro Modality

Overall, this activity is divided into two stages, which are: morphological evaluation and functional test.

Morphological Evaluation

First of all, during the first stage, horses are evaluated for their physical characteristics to see if they conform to the stipulated standards. Among the most important abilities are structural balance, musculature, and a firm and consistent top line. Moreover, within this criterion, the scoring ranges from 0 to 10.

Functional Evaluation

After completing the physical evaluation, the animals are directed to functional challenges, which occur in two distinct moments. In the first moment, the gait test is conducted, which evaluates three modes of movement, namely:

Tranco – Scoring between 0 and 3.

Trote– Scoring between 0 and 8. (it carries greater weight because it is used by the rider in daily activities in the field)

Galope– Scoring between 0 and 4.

Balance Test

Also known as Figure Test, this occurs in a circuit marked with hay. The challenge consists of having the horse navigate the circuit with skill in the transitions of hands and legs. In addition, other criteria are observed, such as the submission of the animal to the rider. Scoring varies from 0 to 15.

Turning and Sliding Test

Considered one of the most difficult, the turning and sliding test is divided into two stages.

The first requires the animal to perform a turn to one side and then the other. The second moment, known as sliding, involves guiding the horse over 20 meters at an accelerated pace. At the end, the rider must request the animal to brake abruptly. The scoring for the first stage is from 0 to 5 (0 to 2.5 for each side of the turn) and from 0 to 10 for the slide.

Pen Test

Known as the first challenge of the modality, this test assesses the horse for handling functions. It is conducted in three moments and has varying scoring weights.

Aparte – The horse must separate one of two calves found in the pen.

Maintenance: the animal must keep the calf separated for at least 45 minutes.

Pechada: With a movement performed on the chest, the horse must keep the calf apart at a 45° angle on one side and then the other within 45 seconds.

Scoring for the aparte and maintenance is from 0 to 10, and for the pechada it ranges from 0 to 5 (0 to 2.5 for each side of the pechada).

Field Test

Overall, the Field Test assesses the capability of the Criollo competitor for cattle tasks. It occurs in pairs that are formed according to the point placements up to the Freio de Ouro moment. The challenge involves chasing a calf down a 110-meter lane, which has hay markings at the 30, 80, and 110-meter marks. The calf must run the first 30 meters of the lane. Then, in the section between 30 and 80 meters, the horses must press the calf between their shoulders. Finally, between 80 and 110 meters, the horses must run in front of the calf to block its path before the end of the lane and return back to the pen. Scoring is from 0 to 15.

Classification for the Second Moment

Overall, by this time, all scores are multiplied by 1.5. They are then summed so that the division of the result by the total number of tests combined with the morphological score can be performed. In summary, more than half of the competitors are disqualified at this stage.

Second Pen Test

At this time, competitors must repeat the previous test with scores ranging from 0 to 20.

Bayard-Samento Test

Considered one of the most complex tests of the modality, it requires the horse to navigate a track of 80 meters, running the first 40, and sliding as soon as it reaches the mark. Afterwards, the animal must turn in place on one side and spin one to three times on the other. Next, it must run another 40 meters and slide again. Following this, turn 180°, run another 40 meters, and slide once more. Finally, it must turn in place on both sides and run another 40 meters before making the last slide. Scoring ranges from 0 to 20 points.

Repetition of Palhetada

During this stage, the scores are multiplied by two, summed, and divided by the number of tests performed; then, the morphological score is added. In the end, the champions are announced.

So cowboys and cowgirls, did you enjoy learning more about the Freio de Ouro modality? Stay tuned on the 7MBoots website, lots of good things are on the way!

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