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Project Encouraging Bioinputs in Agriculture Under Discussion at the CRA

Analyze Bill 1,348/2024


The Committee on Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (CRA) meets on Wednesday (12), at 2 pm, to deliberate on 11 items, including Bill 1,348/2024, which proposes changes to legislation to encourage the adoption of bioinputs by farmers across the country.

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What are Bioinputs?

Bioinputs are defined as products or substances derived from biological sources, such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and plant extracts. Their use in agriculture aims to boost plant growth, improve soil health, and manage pests and diseases in an ecologically sound manner, replacing or complementing conventional chemical inputs.

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Incentives and Sustainability

The project, proposed by former senator Janaína Farias (CE), seeks to include the incentive to use bioinputs as one of the objectives of the agricultural policy laws (Law 8,171/1991) and the national family farming policy (Law 11,326/2006). The proposal provides for the government, through its agencies, to offer special benefits to rural producers who adopt bioinputs in agroecological production systems. The proposal also defines as a crucial premise of agricultural policy that new technologies prioritize sustainability, the reduction of environmental impacts, and the resilience of production systems in the face of climate change.

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Credit Lines and Next Steps

The text suggests the creation of credit lines with special conditions to finance the purchase of bioinputs. The project, which received a favorable opinion from Senator Beto Faro (PT-PA), will be analyzed in a terminative manner by the CRA. If approved, it will go directly to the Chamber of Deputies, unless there is an appeal for a vote in the Senate Plenary.

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Other Matters on the Agenda

In addition to the bioinputs project, the CRA may also vote on Bill 3,591/2019, which proposes reducing the rate of the Financial Compensation for Mineral Exploration (CFEM) on agricultural limestone. The committee will also analyze a request to summon the Minister of Indigenous Peoples, Sonia Guajajara, to clarify possible irregularities in a protocol of intentions signed between the ministry and the company Ambipar. The request points out that the partnership, which supposedly focuses on sustainability activities in indigenous territories, was signed without authorization from Congress, prior bidding, or an approved work plan.

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Next Steps

The CRA meeting, which will take place in room 7 of the Alexandre Costa wing, demonstrates the focus on relevant topics for the agricultural sector, such as sustainability and the regularization of partnerships in indigenous territories.

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