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Congress and Judiciary Resume Work After Long Holiday

Resumption of activities of Congress and Judiciary after Carnival and the main topics on the agenda.


The National Congress and the Judiciary begin an intense week of activities, resuming their plenary sessions and committee work after the Carnival recess. The return to work brings with it the expectation of crucial deliberations, such as the vote on the 2025 Budget and developments in high-profile legal proceedings.

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2025 Budget: Unblocking Processing

One of the main focuses of the resumption of legislative work is the progress of the 2025 Budget. The Joint Budget Committee of the National Congress will begin, on Tuesday (11), the analysis of the final report of the Annual Budget Law (LOA) project. The approval of the LOA, which should have taken place in December, was postponed due to political impasses and decisions by the Supreme Federal Court (STF) related to the release of parliamentary amendments.

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Agreement on Parliamentary Amendments

A recent agreement between STF Minister Flávio Dino and the leadership of Congress, at the end of the previous month, established new rules for the release of parliamentary amendments. From this year onwards, the execution of these amendments will require clear identification of the parliamentarian responsible for the indication and the beneficiary entity, guaranteeing greater transparency and control in the application of public resources.

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Inauguration of the First Woman as President of the STM

The Superior Military Court (STM) will have a historical milestone on Tuesday (11), with the inauguration of Minister Maria Elizabeth Rocha as president of the Court. Nominated to the STM in 2007, during the first government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, she becomes the first woman to occupy the highest position of the court in its 216 years of history.

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PGR Analyzes Defenses in Case of Attempted Coup

The Attorney General's Office (PGR) will also have a decisive week. The body must pronounce on the arguments presented by the defenses of those accused of involvement in the coup attempt during the Jair Bolsonaro government. The Supreme Court has already received the defenses of 28 of the 34 defendants, and the PGR has until Friday (14) to present its opinion. After this stage, the First Chamber of the STF may schedule the trial that will define whether Bolsonaro and the other defendants will become defendants.

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Next Steps

The week after Carnival therefore marks a period of intense political and legal activity in Brazil. The decisions taken in the coming days will have a significant impact on the national scene, both in the financial sphere, with the definition of the Budget, and in the sphere of justice, with the progress of important processes and the historic inauguration at the STM.

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