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Revolution in the Countryside: Sustainability and Social Inclusion Flourish in Rural Settlements of MS

Promoting the Visibility and Potential of Sustainable Family Farming


In September, a series of events called 'Caravana' provided unprecedented contact with the reality of rural settlements in Mato Grosso do Sul. The experience, striking for agribusiness professionals, demystified preconceived notions and revealed a universe of engaged, productive family farmers with great growth potential.

Bota Texana Masculina Sykia Derramado

Challenges and Overcoming in Family Farming

Farmers in the settlements shared the difficulties they face, such as inclement weather, price volatility, and, mainly, the lack of access to credit due to irregular land tenure. However, organization in groups, resource sharing, and the pursuit of knowledge demonstrate the capacity for overcoming and the resilience of these communities.

Bota Texana Feminina Orquídea

The Strength of Family Farming for Regional Development

Mato Grosso do Sul, with its vast territory, is home to more than 300 rural settlements, where 28,000 families play a crucial role in food production and the state's economic development. Although they represent a driving force for local and national agribusiness, many of these farmers are not yet fully recognized and assisted.

Bota Texana Feminina Rozzeli

Technology and Innovation Within Everyone's Reach

One of the main objectives of the 'Caravana' initiative was to democratize access to technology in the countryside, showing small producers in the settlements, such as in the Tamakavi Settlement, that innovative tools and solutions are available and can boost productivity and profitability on properties of all sizes. The presentation of consortia, financing, and complete technical support reinforced this message.

"Bota Texana Masculina Xadrez Café

Rural Settlements: More Than Land Redistribution, an Engine of Transformation

Rural settlements represent an effective strategy for agrarian reform, promoting social justice and offering opportunities for vulnerable families. These communities not only produce essential food but also foster the local economy, generate jobs, and adopt sustainable practices, contributing to environmental preservation and the future of Brazilian agribusiness.

Bota Texana Feminina Jasmim Couro

Next Steps

It is essential to recognize and value the role of rural settlements in the development of Mato Grosso do Sul and Brazil. By overcoming limited views and joining forces, it is possible to transform these spaces into hubs of sustainable development, social inclusion, and food security, ensuring a more prosperous and just future for everyone involved in agribusiness.

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