Training and Dissemination of Knowledge in Agriculture
Embrapa, recognized for excellence in research and innovation in the agricultural sector, expands access to knowledge by offering 12 free online courses. This initiative aims to train professionals and disseminate technologies and best practices for the sustainable development of Brazilian agriculture.
With a workload of 50 hours, this course is aimed at rural producers, technicians, consultants, teachers, public managers and students interested in pasture recovery. The main objective is to train participants to identify different levels of soil degradation and choose sustainable and appropriate solutions.
Embrapa, in partnership with the Federal University of Viçosa, offers three modules on Integrated Production. Module I (20 hours) introduces the philosophy and procedures of Integrated Production. Module II (60 hours) addresses management and planning of the rural company within this system. Module III (40 hours) delves into the cultural practices of passion fruit in Integrated Production. These courses are aimed at producers and technicians with higher education, seeking to promote the production of safe food, with known origin and in a sustainable way.
Embrapa offers mini-courses focused on tropical fruit growing, covering topics such as propagation of passion fruit (7 hours), commercial cultivation of avocado, guava and mango (8 hours each), fresh and processed fruit market (6 hours) and pitaya production systems (8 hours). Aimed at producers, extension agents, teachers, managers and students, these mini-courses provide essential technical information for success in fruit growing.
With a workload of 60 hours, this course is aimed at professionals with higher education in the agricultural area. The objective is to present the certification program for the integrated production of natural rubber, according to specific regulations, aiming at quality and sustainability in rubber production.
Embrapa's e-Campo platform is consolidated as an important online training tool, democratizing access to knowledge and technologies developed by Embrapa and partners. With more than 17,000 registrations and participants from all over Brazil and several countries, Embrapa Cerrados courses demonstrate the positive impact of the platform in disseminating information and developing the agricultural sector. Take this opportunity to train for free and expand your knowledge!
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