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Agricultural Parliamentary Front Seeks to Secure Funding for Plano Safra and Rural Insurance in National Budget

Securing Agricultural Funding


The Agricultural Parliamentary Front (FPA) is advocating to classify Plano Safra and Rural Insurance as budgetary programs immune to spending cuts. An attempt to include four types of agricultural subsidies as mandatory expenses in the 2025 Budget Guidelines Law (Law 15.080/24) was ultimately vetoed by the Executive branch.

Bota Texana Masculina Sykia Derramado

Ensuring Predictability for Agricultural Sector

In an interview with Rádio Câmara, Deputy Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania-SP), Vice President of the FPA in the Chamber of Deputies, stated that the agricultural sector needs consistent and predictable funding. He referenced the recent disruption to this year's Plano Safra as a key example. Because the 2025 Budget (PLN 26/24) was not voted, the Executive had to suspend transfers. It later issued a provisional measure (MP 1289/25) for emergency resource release. This kind of instability cannot occur again.

Bota Texana Feminina Orquídea

Non-Contingency Argument

"We have always defended this with respect to Plano Safra and also to resources for Rural Insurance: that they cannot be subject to contingency due to the nature of agricultural decision making," Jardim stated. He emphasized that agricultural decisions are time-sensitive and cannot be postponed.

Bota Texana Feminina Rozzeli

Executive Branch Veto Rationale

The government justified the vetoes by stating that increasing mandatory expenses in the Budget reduces the flexibility and freedom of government bodies in managing their expenditures.

"Bota Texana Masculina Xadrez Café

FPA's Future Goals for 2025

Deputy Jardim mentioned that the cost of the Brazilian harvest is R$ 1.2 trillion. Although only R$ 18 billion comes from budgetary resources, this portion is crucial. "There are lines of credit with interest rates below what financial institutions receive, because a portion of the interest is paid by the Budget," he explained. For 2025, the FPA intends to discuss changes to Rural Insurance and a Plano Safra that extends beyond the annual budget, providing a longer-term perspective. He cited, for example, that the grain harvest reaches 370 million tons, while the country only has storage capacity for 100 million tons.

Bota Texana Feminina Jasmim Couro

Next Steps

The FPA continues to champion stable and predictable funding for essential agricultural programs, highlighting the critical role of Plano Safra and Rural Insurance in the Brazilian economy and food production.

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